Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes Biogarphy

Perhaps more than any other piece of clothing, the little black dress is, women have been told, the essential, the one that will take you practically anywhere. And perhaps more than any other designer, Coco Chanel was the one who made it ubiquitous. She did not invent the concept, of course, but according to Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life (by Justine Picardine, $40,, “the little black dress was not formally identified as the shape of the future until 1926, when American Vogue published a drawing of a Chanel design.… It was an apparently simple yet elegant sheath, in black crêpe de Chine, with long, narrow sleeves, worn with a string of white pearls; and Vogue proved to be correct in the prediction that it would become a uniform.…” Contrast that description with these more elaborate dresses from 1925.
We each live within a larger society. We are each influenced by the culture around us. Yet society and culture often teach us false things, which lead us away from God. Most women (at least in Western society and culture) dress and act very much like men. They seek the same roles in society, the family, and the Church. They are following a popular teaching of our culture today, that women and men are meant to have the same roles, and especially that women are meant to take up roles formerly held only or mainly by men. They are displaying their adherence to this teaching by dressing like men. This teaching of our culture is contrary to the teaching of Christ.
God wants men and women to act and dress according to their gender and the place God has given each one in Creation. Clothing and hairstyles are expressions of one's thoughts, behavior, and attitude. Women are not mean to behave like men, nor to have the same roles as men, therefore they should not dress or groom themselves like men. And vise versa.
Women should wear skirts and dresses; they should not generally wear pants (although there may be some exception for certain sports, certain types of work, etc). Women should have longer hair than men; a woman's hair style should be feminine (not masculine and not androgenous). Women should dress and groom themselves in a feminine manner, to show that they accept the place God has given women in Creation, in society, in the family, and in the Church.
Modesty is a separate issue. A woman wearing modest pants may still offend God, not by lack of modesty, but by dressing like a man. A woman wearing an immodest skirt or dress can sometimes offend God less than a woman wearing a modest pair of pants. The offense of a woman wearing men's clothing is called an abomination by Sacred Scripture, because this behavior signifies a woman acting like a man and taking the types of roles intended by God for men. By this behavior, she offends against the order God intends for humanity. God is offended, even more so, when women dress and act like men in churches and during holy Mass.
By comparison, when a woman wears a short skirt, or a tight dress, her offense is only a matter of degree (the same skirt, if lengthened or loosened, might be considered modest). Such an offense does not contradict or rebel against the fundamental order which God gave to Creation and humanity.
But most women, and even most men, do not accept this teaching. They accept the teachings of their culture and ignore the teachings of Sacred Scripture. When the Church teaches one thing and their culture teaches another, they follow their culture instead of Christ.

Fashionable Clothes
Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

Fashionable Clothes

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