Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs Biogarphy

The beginning of the 18th century showed promise of many changes in fashion and lifestyle of the English. By this time, the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, people were veering away from the ponderous though magnificent clothing of the Classical Baroque era and towards a more proletariat stance. The traditions of the classical eras --- the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans --- were much admired by the new free-thinking generation, and influenced their way of dress. Clothes became more relaxed, with a less rigid structure and an emphasis on the natural flow of line and figure. (Squire,As English literature headed towards the realms of sentimentality and sensibility, women's fashion reflected the softening of harsh religious and social standards. Gone were the darker, serious colors and whale-bone rigidity of the Classical Baroque style of the French and English court; instead, women wore clothing that emphasized "softness, prettiness, and delicacy." Colors reflected the natural world in soft pastel shades of rose, yellows, pale greens, and light blues. Decorative embroidery and frills served to enhance the lines of the body and soften edges of the dresses. (Squire, Neo-Classical Period: 1750-1815
The Neo-Classical period marked the beginning of what would be a return to the traditional dress fashions of the 15th through sixteenth centuries, with some minor modifications. While the Rococo period showed a resurgence of lavishly decorated dresses that resembled tamer versions of the Classical Baroque era, the Neo-Classical period was characterized by an emphasis on simplicity of dress, of comfort and function over ostentation. (Barfoot, p. Women's clothing began to resemble the one-piece gowns of by-gone days, though with more tailoring to "stuff up" the female figure and more "masculine" and "natural" colors: terracotta (a bright earthy orange), various shades of ochre (brownish yellow), malachite (dark green), and blue in the hues of lapis lazuli and other striking colors. (SquireIndeed, this was a time when the physical appearances of the rising burgeoisie and the old aristocracy would begin to merge --- polite society deemed flagrant display of wealth in appearance as improper and somewhat crass. At the dawning of the 19th century, female fashion would go full-circle back into the styles of a few hundred years past. In Jane Austen's day, a properly attired female closely resembled any young lady of the sixteen
When the gospel was new and pure, Christian women covered themselves with long robes and veils, like many Muslim women today.
This is evidenced by all early Christian writers that commented on the subject.
There was a controversy whether the forerunners of nuns needed to veil themselves during church services, but there was no dispute that Christian women, especially married women, ought to conceal bodily features when in other public places.

Women Dresses Designs
Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

Women Dresses Designs

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