Monday, 22 July 2013

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round FacesBiogarphy

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With so many ways to mark the years gone by, I thought it would be fun to do it with hairstyles. Of course, many of the older haircuts are still here with us today, but I thought it might be interesting to read how old they are and where their roots are from. I’ve also included a handy little translation for our British friends of some of the terminology used.
Styling. The most iruportant qualities for hair are that it be healthy, shining, and in a flattering, easy-to-manage style. Many fashion magazines suggest hair styles according to the shape of the face in order to make the face resemble as closely as possible the perfect oval. The circularity of a round face may be minimized by a sleek, con trolled style with side bangs. A square face needs a style that cuts across the square corners at the temples and is full around the jaw. The best style for a long face also rounds off the corners at the temples and is short. For a triangu lar face, a narrow chin should be filled out with chin-length hair, while a wide chin may be minimized with wide bangs. In finding the ri~ht hairstyle, however, a woman should also consider the proportions of her whole figure, the texture of her hair, her skill in handling it, and the character of her life.
Once a hair style is chosen, it must be main tained by regular washing, setting, and, usually, cutting. Some women care for their hair princi p ally at home, going to the hairdresser only in- frequently for a cut or a shampoo and set for a special occasion. Many women go to the hair- dresser once a week, while still others may see him every day for a combing.
Washing. Clean, healthy hair is the basis of any hair style. In addition to brushing, dry hair requires shampooing once a week, oily hair per haps every day. Shampoos are soapy or synthetic detergents in liquid, gel, lotion, or cream form and may have special uses. There are nondn~ing shampoos for normal hair, egg shampoos to add sheen to dry hair, and lemon shampoos to cut extra oils in oily hair. There are hypoallergenic shampoos for sensitive scalps, medicated sham ~005 for scalp problems, and special shampoos for tinted or bleached hair.
Coloring Because hair coloring is constantly being improved and tested scientifically and is subject to rigid quality controls, more women than ever before can color their hair safely and achieve a natural effect. Most errors stem from the user's carelessness. There are three types of hair coloring available. Temporary rinses, which coat the hair shaft and wash away with one shampoo, make no drastic change but add highlights and blend in discolored streaks. Semi perl!Lanent rinses, which also coat the hair shaft but last through four to eight shampoos, make hair slightly darker (never hghter) and can ef. fectively cover gray hair. Because the color im parted by these rinses fades gradually, it does not require retouching.Permanent tints penetrate the hair shaft and permanently change the pigment inside. The tint includes a bleaching agent, which removes the natural hair color, and coloring matter, which gives a new color. In a one-color process these actions take place at the same time. In a two- color process, only for the most dramatic changes, the hair is bleached first and then a toner (a very light shade) is applied to enliven the bleached hair. Retouching is needed about every three weeks at the roots, where the darker hair grows in. It should usually be done professionally be- cause overlapping of chemicals can cause the hair to become overly porous and brittle. Streak ing is the two-tone process applied to strands separated from the mass of hair.Cutting Fundamental to a short hair style is the cut. A blunt cut with scissors makes the ends -.of the hair straight. Cutting with a razor tapers the ends so that they cling close to the head.Setting and Waving. Most hair, especially if it is short, needs to be arranged in a certain position while wet to give it shape when dry
Setting the most popular method of setting the hair is to wrap small sections of wet hair around rollers, usually of plastic wire. The result is relativel,' flexible, natur al-looking curls with a "hounce" that add height and width to a hair style. Hair may also be set in flat pin curls, which produce a very curly effect. There are many aids for setting hair. Electric curlers (rollers) in dry hair quickly revive a set. Setting lotions on wet hair help the set to hold its shape and last longer. Mter a shampoo an instant conditioner (a protein-based lotion) add, "body" (substance) and sheen to the hair, or a cream rinse makes hair softer and less dry.

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Round Faces

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