Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes Biogarphy

Lead in your lipstick? Mercury in your mascara? Recent headlines about harmful ingredients hiding in beauty products are enough to make even the vainest among us want to go back to the good old days of rubbing strawberries on our lips to make them red.
But women (and men) have plastered a lot more than berry juice onto their skin in the never-ending quest to look hot (or extremely pallid, as was usually the case back in the day). Some beauty products of yesteryear contained high concentrations of lead, mercury, arsenic, even radiation, thanks to ignorance, indifference and narcissism.
For as long as humans have admired themselves in magazines, mirrors and murky pools of water, they’ve also had to contend with the ugly side of beauty.
Ancient Egyptians may have been the first to plaster on killer cosmetics. Their exaggerated eye makeup (which trumped even the late Tammy Faye) was made of malachite (a green ore of copper), galena (lead sulfide), and, most famously, kohl, a paste made of soot, fatty matter and metal (usually lead, antimony, manganese or copper).
What, aside from chronic pink eye, would this mean for the average Egyptian?
“The exposure would eventually lead to irritability, insomnia and mental decrease,” says Dr. Joel Schlessinger, a dermatologist in Omaha, Neb. “The ocular skin is most likely to absorb materials due to its thin, nearly transparent qualities. Couple this with the mucous membranes being a hop, skip and a jump away from the area where cosmetics are applied and you have a potentially serious problem.”
Men and women in ancient Greece took things a step further by slathering lead not just around their eyes, but all over their face. Their white lead face cream, according to a 2001 article in the journal Clinics in Dermatology, was designed to “clear complexions of blemishes and to improve the color and texture of the skin” and was such a big hit that lead-based face masks soon became all the rage.
We recently got our hands on 100,000 Years of Beauty, a collection of five books commissioned by L'Oréal in honor of its 100th birthday, and unlike your high school history textbooks, these reads won't put you to sleep. Each volume is loaded with fascinating beauty facts that had us saying, "They did what?!" (Now we can't help but wonder what people will think of spray-tanning, teeth-bleaching, and Brazilian bikini waxing in another 100,000 years.) Here are some of the crazy things people have done in the name of beauty throughout history, plus some other Jeopardy-worthy tidbits.
1. The term for a makeup artist in Egyptian hieroglyphic is derived from the root "sesh," which means, "to write, to engrave." Makeup application was taken pretty seriously back then: the same accuracy was needed to paint lips as to write out a text. (FYI: By "text" we mean etching symbols into a rock, not typing out a message on your iPhone.)2. Perfume was central to Egyptian civilization and was used for both cosmetic and medical purposes. For example, Kyphi, one of the most famous Egyptian perfumes, made from flowers, honey, wine and berries, was also prepared as a drink to cure lung, intestinal, and liver problems. That said, don't go chugging a bottle of Chanel No. 5 to cure your next hangover.
3. In ancient Greece, the most sought-after hair color was blond. Not many Greeks were naturally blond, so light hair was probably perceived as beautiful because it was so exotic. Women would lighten their hair using plant extracts or arsenic(!). They also washed their locks with a mixture of ashes, olive oil, and water.
4. People have been playing, "kitchen beautician" since the Middle Ages, when various foods were used as beauty aids. Curdled milk was applied to acne, cucumber juice removed freckles, while boiled nettles produced a smooth, even complexion. Women even attempted to remove wrinkles with the help of ointments made of wax and almond oil, or crocodile fat. (Yes, that last one totally grossed us out

Makeup for Brown Eyes
Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

Makeup for Brown Eyes

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